Also known as an acupuncture facelift, comprises an effective, non-surgical, treatment to reduce the signs of ageing. It is based on one of the key principles of Chinese Medicine, which involves the insertion of very thin, disposable, needles into acupuncture points on the face. This insertion will increase the local circulation and stimulate collagen production, which will then fill out the lines and give firmness to the skin for a glowing, radiant, younger complexion.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy administered through the painless insertion of disposable, sterile needles to specific acupoints. The needles stimulate the flow of Chi through the body’s meridians to re-open the Chi pathway, increasing energy flow to internal organs, enhancing the body’s own healing power.

Acupuncture is especially good for back, neck and shoulder pains whether it's long term or short term. It can also be apply to aid weight loss through balancing the internal organ functions.


At Real Relaxation we can provide excellent medical, relaxing and beauty massages. Massage is a Chinese Medical therapy with various manipulations applied to certain locations of the human body to treat and prevent disease, as well as being great at relieving stress and easing aches and pains. It plays an important role in the fields of rehabilitation and health preservation, and also has been accepted as a safe, effective, relaxing therapy by people across the globe.